
6th International Symposium on Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes

(July 14 – 16, 2021)

Registration is now open!

The International Symposium on Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes (ISWAMP) is one of several official biannual satellite conference of the International Conference on Electronic, Atomic and Photonic Collisions (ICPEAC). ISWAMP is designed to provide a focus for the strongly growing community of AMO scientists who are working on the interaction of atomic systems with intense laser fields extending from the UV through the Extreme-UV (EUV) and on to the X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is also designed to provide a focus for the complementary field of high harmonic generation (HHG) and attosecond science.

For 2021 ISWAMP was planned to be held in Canada in close proximity to ICPEAC. However, due to ongoing global travel restrictions ISWAMP organizers decided to follow the ICPEAC lead and hold a virtual meeting this year instead of canceling the meeting altogether.

ISWAMP 2021 will run from July 14 to July 16, 2021, the week before the virtual ICPEAC. To better accommodate participants from different time zones,  ISWAMP will be split into two sessions per day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon, Eastern Time). We believe that such a split, limiting the virtual time to ~1.5 hour per session, might be a good compromise and also reduce disruptiveness for other, daily work that many of our participants would have to continue throughout the conference. Each session is opened by a 32 min talk (+8 mins for questions) followed by two to three 16 min talks (+4 mins for questions).

ISWAMP 2021 Schedule

PDT EDT CEST JST Wednesday, July 14 Thursday, July 15 Friday, July 16
Session 1 Chair: Paul Corkum Chair: Caterina Vozzi Chair: Kenichi Ishikawa
5:30 8:30 14:30 21:30 Donna Strickland Olga Smirnova Lorenz Cederbaum
6:10 9:10 15:10 22:10 Vitali Averbukh Christina Boemer Alessandra Candian
6:30 9:30 15:30 22:30 posters Ludger Inhester Rebecka Lindblad
6:50 9:50 15:50 22:50 posters posters Agapi Emmanouilidou
Session 2 Chair: Phil Bucksbaum Chair: Zenghu Chang Chair: Nora Berrah
14:00 17:00 23:00
6:00 (+1)
Christian Ott Mette Gaarde Mizuho Fushitani
14:40 17:40 23:40
6:40 (+1)
Yuki Orimo Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap Taran Driver
15:00 18:00 0:00
7:00 (+1)
Gil Porat Xiaochun Gong Andrew Howard
15:20 18:20
0:20 (+1)
7:20 (+1)
posters Tomoyuki Endo posters

In addition, using the Gather platform, we will have poster sessions after each presentation session. The virtual poster session will be held in a scale model of the “temple of science” building of the National Research Council of Canada, in downtown Ottawa.


We are now soliciting poster contributions. Please send your poster in a 4:3 (width:height) format to iswamp@icpeac2021.ca until July 10, 2021.
To prepare your poster use the software you would normally use to create your poster, e.g., Powerpoint. Then export your poster as an image as a .jpg or .png file. Then send us the image file and include the title in your email. If you have any problems do not hesitate and reach out to us (iswamp@icpeac2021.ca).

This will be a unique opportunity for you to present your latest results to the community and to socialize with your colleagues virtually during this pandemic.

Registration for ISWAMP will be free of charge, thanks to the National Research Council of Canada and the Joint Centre for Extreme Photonics.

We look forward to seeing you virtually in less than 1 month!

François Légaré and André Staudte
on behalf of the organizing committee

Friends of ISWAMP

Please check out the websites of our supporters:

We look forward to seeing you virtually in a few days!

François Légaré and André Staudte
on behalf of the organizing committee