ICPEAC has a long history dating back to 1958 when the first meeting was held in New York city. Since then ICPEAC has been held every two years on five continents, and grown to attract as many as 800 participants. The ICPEAC central website can be found here.

The conference brings together the world’s leading scientists who are working in the field of collisions involving photons, electrons, ions, atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and exotic particles. At this meeting scientists will present their latest research on topics such as ultrafast dynamics at the femto- or attosecond scale, ion-induced radiation damage in particular of biomolecules, atomic spectroscopy and molecular physics of antimatter, free electron lasers, particle acceleration generated by high-power lasers, and ultracold collisions.

Since 2019 ICPEAC is recognized as a separate section within the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division of the European Physical Society. ViCPEAC is recognized as a Europhysics conference.